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The panelists addressed the role of education, particularly lamenting the lack of female students in computer science classes and programs. "At the lowest levels of the elementary, middle school and high school education, girls aren't encouraged [to explore an IT career]," says Habibi, who has a daughter studying information technology in college. "They're just not counseled by their parents. Offers asp web hosting provider, internet host, and coldfusion webhosting plans. Offers asp web hosting provider, internet host, and coldfusion webhosting plans.

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Offers asp web hosting provider, internet host, and coldfusion webhosting plans. examined the challenges of being a woman in a male-dominated industry. Panelists included Darci Arnold, vice president of global marketing at Seagate; Tiffani Bova, director of sales and channel programs at Affinity; Sharon Habibi, founder, president and CEO of Syscom Technologies; Gia McNutt, president and CEO of Special Order Systems; Offers asp web hosting provider, internet host, and coldfusion webhosting plans.


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Offers asp web hosting provider, internet host, and coldfusion webhosting plans. "It takes a very tough skin to be a female trying to move up the ladder," Bova says. "It takes a lot of self-discipline and self-confidence to be able to overcome those hurdles." If recent numbers from the company are any indication, Affinity is certainly squeezing the supposedly saturated shared market for all its worth. Offers asp web hosting provider, internet host, and coldfusion webhosting plans.